Ant Control Atlanta


Ant Control Problems? We will customize a plan that is right for you.

Ant Control

Ants live in either underground or above-ground colonies. Therefore, destroying the colony is critical, and killing the ants outside the colony foraging for food. Ants are more active during the spring and fall. The most common ants control problems we find in the Atlanta, GA area are Argentine, Carpenter, Fire, Rasberry, Odorous House, and Pharoah Ants. So what to do? Find a professional ant control solutions in Atlanta.

How Did I Get Ants?

Ants can enter your house, condo, apartment, business, even your car through cracks around windows, doors, and foundations – virtually any small opening. Once they are inside, they look for food and water source. Then, they will build a nest and become a problem.

Ant Control – Why Is It So Difficult to Get Rid Of Ants?

Eradicating ants requires you to locate and destroy the nest. Ants you find in your home are worker ants that forage for food. They can travel significant distances to get into your home for food, so killing the ants in your home will not solve the problem. Ants leave a trail of chemicals or pheromone trail that other ants will follow to your home. If you kill the ants in your home, you will be fighting an endless and ongoing battle. It is best and safest to hire a reputable organic pest control company to locate the ant nest, exterminate the ants, and help identify the source of the infestation.

How Do I Know If I Have An Ant Infestation?

It is often simply visual notice of multiple ants in your home.

How Can I Prevent The Ants from Returning?

As an expert ant exterminator in Atlanta, GA, Focus Pest Management LLC will help educate you regarding an ant control program to help prevent a repeat infestation as much as possible, as well as steps you may take to deter ant invasions. We will customize a program just right for you; we also treat a variety of pests, including bees, spiders, rodents, and much more.

For professional ant control services in Atlanta, GA, or the surrounding area, contact the pest control experts at Focus Pest Management LLC at 678.923.2276. Our goal is for you to be safe and comfortable in your home. 

Fire Ants

Fire Ants - Ouch!

Here in Georgia; Fire Ants are common and, most homeowners recognize them by the mounds they build, or if they miss the mound, they know by the stings they inflict. Fire Ants are very aggressive by nature. Compared to other ant species is one such trait they are far more aggressive and painful. When a mound is disturbed, hundreds of fire ant workers will swarm out and run up vertical surfaces, such as your feet, legs, and arms, to sting.

Worker ants will both bite with their mouth and inject venom with their tail stingers. They will do it very aggressively and repeatedly. When stung, you may feel burning or tingling at the site. A day or so later, the imported fire ant's unique venom forms a characteristic white fluid-filled pustule or blister at the sting site. 

They need to be controlled, especially if you have pets or children running around outside.

Carpentar Ants

Identifying Carpenter Ants

The Carpenter ant is the largest ant you'll find in Georgia. They have a single node between their thorax and abdomen and long and thin antennas. They are 1/4 to 1/2 an inch in length, making them very hard to miss. Carpenter ants are usually entirely black; depending on the species, some have a mixture of dark red and black. Some find them frightening because of their size.

Carpenter Ant Facts

  • A mature carpenter ant colony may have 15,000 individual ants in a mound.
  • These Carpenters don't repair; they destroy. Boring tunnels through the wood to build nests and the tunnels in the wood are used to create galleries for their nests and can cause significant damage if not treated.
  • Carpenter ants chew through wood, but they don't eat it like termites do. They'll feed on a wide variety of food both inside and outside of a home.
  • They prefer to chew through rotted or "soft" wood, but they can also chew into solid wood as well.
Pharaoh Ant
Pharaoh Ant drawing

Here are some of the most common Ants in Georgia. 

The Pharaoh Ant

Only 1/6" long, they are incredibly tiny; the Pharaoh ant is primarily tan in color and has an antenna that has an elbow that allows them to be used to track smells and pheromones to and from the nest. While it is hard to see Pharaoh ants have two nodes between their abdomen and thorax. 

Ant Control for Pharaoh Ants:

  • They are the hardest ant to control. And for this reason, it can be very frustrating. 
  • You will often find them in food storage areas and tracking across floor, counters, and cabinets to and from those areas,
  • Studies show that the Pharaoh ant can carry and transmit more than a dozen infections organisms.
Rasberry or Crazy ants

Rasberry Ants are also known as Crazy Ants.

These ants, also referred to as Rasberry ants or tawny crazy ants, are twice as giant as the Pharaoh ant; they are about ⅛" in length. Looking at one of these ants up close, you'll see it's brownish-red with light-colored bands on its abdomen, and unlike the Pharaoh ant, they only have a single node between their abdomen and thorax.  

Crazy ants are pests because:

  • They hurt the environment by reducing arthropods, such as spiders and centipedes, which are a primary food source for birds.
  • They are tough ants, as they can withstand the sting of a fire ant and often move into their mounds and slowly overtake them. So the Fire ants relocate. 
  • Crazy ants get into everything, including electronics, which they are attracted to, like TVs, computers, stereos, and more. They can cause things to short-circuit.
Argentine Ant

The Huge Mound Building Argentine Ant

From light to dark brown, Argentine ants range from 1/8" to 1/12". With a single node between their abdomen and thorax and only a slight elbow in their antennae. Some facts about Argentine ants include:

  • Argentine ants build massive colonies. Therefore becoming quite a nuisance. They often nest in moist areas near the foundation wall, making it easy to find a way inside the residence or business. 
  • Unlike other ant colonies, the Argentine ant colonies often have several reproductive queens. This makes them prone to "budding." Budding is a process where colonies split because of a perceived threat. 
  • Argentine ants are omnivorous, so they feed on a wide variety of foods. So when in your home this can be a big problem. 

For professional ant control services in Atlanta, GA, or the surrounding area, contact the pest control experts at Focus Pest Management LLC at 678.923.2276. Our goal is for you to be safe and comfortable in your home.


We Offer a Variety of Pest Control Plans and Solutions to Solve Your Immediate Needs, While Preventing Reoccurrence in the Future.

We will rid your home of Ants, Roaches, Spiders, Silverfish, Earwigs, Scorpions, Millipedes, Centipedes, Wasp, Honey Bees, Crickets, Fleas, Ticks, Yellow Jackets, Beatles, Pantry Pest & many more...

Each service is backed with our Satisfaction Guarantee that if insects such as Ants, Roaches, Silverfish, Spiders, Scorpions return. So do we…. at No Additional Charge.

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